Join me, Thursday, Jan. 22 (11:00 am – 12:30 pm ET), for this practical collections guide reviewing key issues and processes involved in pursuing outstanding debts in common interest communities. The real estate market troubles have left many condominium and HOAs in turmoil. With fewer members to carry the financial load, every penny counts. Explore the debtor protections that exist in specific situations, and make certain the collection efforts are lawful and effective.
Topics include: A walk-through of the essential steps of collection procedures; Making certain governing documents support the claim; Finding new ways of legally pursuing the debt owed to the community; and practical tips for staying in compliance with FDCPA.
Who Should Attend: Attorneys, Common-interest community presidents and vice-presidents, Accountants, and Real estate professionals.
Registration fee: $199. CLE credit available.
Additional details and registration can be found at: